KTI-Plersch Kältetechnik GmbH is a dynamic and innovative German refrigeration contractor specializing in Concrete Cooling and special equipment.
In the past 30 years KTI-Plersch Kältetechnik GmbH has set new standards for block ice plants and flake ice plants as well as for fully automatic ice storage and delivery systems.
At company headquarters in Balzheim, ice plants and cooling systems are developed, designed and manufactured to meet the most diverse needs of KTI customers worldwide.
KTI is a solution finder: the main goal is to provide the very best solutions to the concrete cooling industry.
KTI is the customer-centered solution finder: KTI cooling solutions always consider customer needs and requirements.
KTI means responsibility, know-how, expertise, four generations of experience, innovation, team spirit, and deep personal commitment by the Plersch family and employees. We work hand in hand. This approach has made us what we are today: