The Tendering Platform for Real-Estate Developers and Owners
Digitize your entire tendering process to reduce risk while managing multiple tenders and shortening your tender cycle times.
Identify the best supply chain based on your criteria
Filter our list of thousands of Consultants or Contractors to pre-qualify the most relevant companies for the job
- 36000+ verified companies in our database
- Advanced search filters including location and specialization

Accelerate your decision-making process
Save weeks analyzing bids by easily comparing proposals side by side through our powerful real-time interactive reports
- Evolution of tender
- Bidding analysis
- Documentation statuses

Enhance compliance standards
Increase internal transparency while maintaining price confidentiality and building trust internally and within your supply chain
- Ability to issue public, private, confidential, closed-envelope tenders or RFQs
- Track submissions, bidding questions and document updates
- Enterprise-grade security

Centralize your documents, communications and approvals
Enhance collaboration between internal teams and your supply chain

Digital project archive

Document version control
Compare and highlight changes to ensure the latest revised documents are visible

Manage RFCs instantly
Issue and answer clarification questions as quickly as possible with your entire supply chain
Flexible tendering solution
You define the business rules for your tendering process and we build the solution to suit your needs.

The eTendering platform also significantly reduced the costs of paper and printing consumables, couriers and storage. In fact, the the firm is now approximately 80% paperless from using ProTenders