LRTC is a German-based consulting and engineering company dedicated to every aspect of public transport. Since the establishment of the company in 1985, it has supported projects of all sizes involving all modes of transport on all continents of the world.
The companies expertise is interdisciplinary, our service holistic and entirely independent of suppliers. Drawing on vast experience in light rail systems – it's original core competency – it provides end-to-end support in planning, realising and maintaining even the most complex intermodal public transport solutions. From the commuter rail, bus and metro to people mover systems, LRTC has the know-how to answer all mobility needs.
Municipalities, governmental authorities, finance providers, transport operators, suppliers and turnkey consortia throughout the world rely on LRTC for expert planning and engineering support from the initial concept phase to implementation and operation. As a permanent joint venture of leading German public transport consultancies, we provide quality management according to internationally recognised standards.