Institut Català de Finances (ICF) - Developer
The ICF financing business projects through loans, guarantees and risk capital investment, among others. The main objective of the organization is to promote the growth of the Catalan economy by facilitating access to finance for the business, complementing the private financial sector. Founded in 1985, is a public financial institution. The sole shareholder of the Company is the Government of Catalonia. To carry out their activity, ICF is financed by the national and international markets. - The ICF Projects funded enterprise mediante préstamos, guarantees and investments in the capital riesgo between otros. The principal objetivo del crecimiento ICF will promote the Catalan economy facilitando access to the bone at the financiación business as complement the private financial sector. Founded in 1985, a Financial Entity public. The Entity is the sole shareholder of the Government of Catalonia. To remove a cabo su actividad, the ICF is financed in the national and international Markets. ---- ICF finance projects via loans, guarantees and venture capital Investments. ICF's main objective is to foster the Catalan economy by supporting the country's business base, complementing the role of the private financial sector. Founded in 1985, is a public financial institution 100% -owned by the Government of Catalonia. ITS covers ICF funding needs through domestic and international capital markets.