ILCI CONSTRUCTION has continued its rapid growth during this time and has sustained its works in line with the seriousness of the responsibility it has during the restructuring process of their country as one of the reliable and respectful companies of the construction sector.
Their company was founded as ILCI CONSTRUCTION as a family company and acquired the title of a joint stock company in 1995 in parallel with its rapid growth in the sector. During this time, their company has reached a more comprehensive structure with the developments it has shown in different fields of the construction sector and has become a company group including eight companies within its structure, five of which are joint stock companies.
Starting its operation with building construction works, their company has been realizing projects most of which are huge water works, providing both economic gains and a great rate of employment in our country.
Besides creating employment opportunities, ILCI CONSTRUCTION also contributes to their country’s economy with the taxes it has been paying. Their company which is continuing to develop its business volume increasingly has been successful in realizing many different projects ranging from irrigation structures to dam constructions, building constructions, urban infrastructure constructions, road constructions and industrial structures.