The Association of German International Schools (AGIS) represents and supports the educational and public interest of member schools and their communities by promoting and improving international education.
There are currently 25 full member schools who belong to AGIS which provides them with a professional support network in all matters relating to the successful management of international schools in Germany, in particular relations with the Federal Republic.
The current acceptance of about 900,000 refugees to Germany carries significant political and societal implications. The AGIS schools explicitly recognizes and endorses the current atmosphere of positive efforts in Germany that embrace both the challenges and opportunities posed by the integration of refugees to the German States.
AGIS takes seriously its responsibility towards the education of children, whatever their lingual, cultural, ethnic, religious or educational backgrounds. The school support every effort of the German government to relieve stress for refugees, through its actions to provide structured, spontaneous and sustainable support. They are committed to building a better future for these families.