7group is a collaboration between close friends which happens to be a business. They share a vocation using their experience with green building as an instrument for developing the capacity of people to affect how humans regenerate life through the building. They have worked on some of the “greenest” building projects in the world, but this alone is not enough. They seek to use each unique project’s design and construction process as an instrument for affecting the larger living systems in which that project is nested. As such, they work on developing each unique human’s capacity to play their role (and manifest their essence) in service to the vitality and viability of all life in that particular place. They see this as a process of reciprocity that seeks to grow and develop the potential in each and all entities nested within the whole. They have found that the most effective nodal point for actualizing such systemic transformation is working on how they, as humans, are thinking about their role on the planet.