
Anmol Piling & Steel Structural LLC is a business established in Dubai, United Arab Emirates & a member of Chirag Group of Companies. Their quality of work & expertise has allowed them to become one of the best in the business & they are continually upgrading their services to meet the increasing demands of the clients. The customers' needs are of paramount importance and many schemes are tailored to meet specific individual requirements while still providing value engineered solutions.

They are piling specialists who have the innovation, equipment & technical expertise necessary to undertake the many changing foundations, piling and heavy shoring projects of our region. Many of the systems and techniques used by the company are backed up by years of experience in this field. And with the team of men who also have the experience and knowledge needed to the best job possible.

Meanwhile, the Group continues to challenge itself constantly to strive for an even better performance for its clients.


Pro Tenders Industry Classification
  • Piling Contractor 21 Projects
  • Enabling Works Contractor 14 Projects
  • Shoring Contractor 12 Projects
  • Foundation Contractor 2 Projects


Anmol Piling & Steel Structures has not yet added certifications.


Anmol Piling & Steel Structures has not yet added awards.


Dubai Office - Head Office
PO Box 31537

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